You cannot change %1 because this account is part of one or more budgets.' You cannot change %1 because there are one or more ledger entries associated with this account.' You cannot delete %1 because one or more stockkeeping units exist at this location.' You cannot change %1 because one or more %2 exist.' You cannot delete %1 because there are one or more ledger entries on this location.' You cannot change the %1 to %2 until the inventory stored in this bin is 0.'īefore you can use Online Map, you must fill in the Online Map Setup window.\See Setting Up Online Map in Help.' You cannot change %1 because there are one or more open ledger entries on this location.'Ĭhecking item ledger entries for open entries.' %1 must be %2, because one or more %3 exist.' You have to delete all Adjustment Warehouse Journal Lines first before you can change the %1.' You cannot change the %1 until the inventory stored in %2 %3 is 0.' The total quantity of items in the warehouse is 0, but the Adjustment Bin contains a negative quantity and other bins contain a positive quantity.\' %1 must be Yes, because the bins contain items.' You cannot delete the %1 %2, because one or more Warehouse Activity Lines exist for this %1.' You cannot delete the %1 %2, because they contain items.' There is one or more opened entries in the %1 table using %2 %3.' 1 either customer or vendor ledger entry table 2 name co currency table 3 currencency code